Thursday, April 22, 2010

Disc #10: Audio Adrenaline (Some Kind Of Zombie)

Artist: Audio Adrenaline
Album: Some Kind of Zombie
Released by ForeFront Records in 1997

This is a first for the experiment, as this is a CD that I have never listened to at all. It's a pretty old one from Nora's collection, and it's just never made it into the player since we've been together. After listening to it a few times, I think that's a real shame! According to Nora, this is one of their "weaker" albums, and if this is so, I can't wait to listen to some more.

After a few times through, I heard what I needed to hear, but it was a very satisfying album. There's a great mix of up-beat 90s rock tunes, along with some mellower rock to go along with it. I had the main riff of the opening track, "Chevette", stuck in my head for days. It's pretty smokin'!

From a spiritual point of view, I found this album to be very uplifting. Which brings us to the second first for the experiment that this album holds. This is the first Christian album in my collection that we've come to. I believe that a person's collection of media says an awful lot about who they are and what they believe in. I am, and have been for a long time, a believer of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Just to clarify, this means that Jesus, the Son of God, died and then rose from the dead as a sacrifice for my sins, and my Salvation from them. I have chosen to follow Him and the teachings of the Holy Bible.

I don't intend for this blog to be a platform for my religious views, but as I mentioned, the music you listen to is often a product of your beliefs. You will probably not buy and listen to something that contradicts your belief system. So, as it will not be the main focus of the experiment, it will definitely come up from time to time, as will many of my opinions and view points.

Lyrics aside, I found this album enjoyable. It wasn't amazing, but it was encouraging. Although I feel I could use a little more time with this album, I will give it a score of:


Join me next time as the experiment continues with Disc #11: Bachman-Turner Overdrive (BTO's Greatest).

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